People think they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit too because they donate money. How can I explain to them?
used to invite relatives to come to the temple to make merit, but they refused and only sent money each time. They thought that even though they didn’t go to the temple, they would receive merit because it’s their money. How can I explain to them?
Before No Mom to Hug
It took longer than ten minutes to get to the hospital. The doctor tried to pump up his heart, but because his brain didn’t receive oxygen for a long time, he then became a sleeping prince. He was asleep twenty-four hours a day. The last thing I was able to do for him was to have him listen to chanting for the nineteen days he was in a coma.
Dhammacakkapavattana Sutta: The Sermon#2
This last metaphor clearly illustrates how no benefit can be found by indulging in sensual pleasure
31 พฤษภาคมวันงดสูบบุหรี่โลก World No Tobacco Day ผลเสียของการสูบบุหรี่ ทุกปีจะมีผู้เสียชีวิตจากบุหรี่ปีละ 400000 คนหรืออาจจะมากว่านั้นแต่ละปีรัฐบาลต้องเสียงบประมาณเป็นค่า รักษาโรคที่เกิดจากบุหรี่มากมาย โทษของบุหรี่สมัยนี้มีมากว่าสมัยก่อนหลายเท่า
คำขวัญวันงดสูบบุหรี่โลก 2567 World No Tobacco Day 31 พฤษภาคมของทุกปี เป็นวันงดสูบบุหรี่โลก
Daily activities and the mind should go together
In order to achieve the benefits of meditation, you must practise meditation on a daily basis. You cannot miss even for a day.
No Nonsense Spoken ไม่เป็นสาระไม่พูด
เรื่องบางเรื่องที่ไม่เป็นสาระ เช่น เรื่องกาม ยายไม่เคยพูดเลย และอายที่จะพูดด้วย ยิ่งเมื่อยายเป็นสาวยิ่งอายมาก มาเดี๋ยวนี้ยายแก่มากแล้ว บางเรื่องจึงกล้าพูด
My daughter loves merit and is afraid of sin but she has no sense of responsibility. Will she gain merit from behaving this way? How should we guide her so that she realizes what she is doing?
My daughter loves merit and is afraid of sin. She wakes up in the morning to do the morning chanting. Then she sleeps almost until noon. In the evening, she does the evening chanting and then watches TV until late at night. She has no sense of responsibility and relies on her parents to take care of her although she is a full grown adult. Will she gain merit from behaving this way? How should we guide her so that she realizes what she is doing?
You Must Win
What demerit did her younger sister make with her husband that caused her to be shot and paralyzed for 30 years? Her husband died in 2006 from a heart attack. Where did he go? Is he being punished for the demerit he performed against her? What merit caused her to be the owner of the land full of slate? This land provides her with constant income and no matter how much slate is dug up, there is even more available.
Basic Meditation Technique Step #2
Let everything go. Let your mind be joyful, relaxed and free from all worry. Then, breathe normally. Relax every muscle in your body. Start to relax from the top of your head down to your forehead.