The Nature of the Mind
What we mean by the ‘mind’ in not the brain, but something more similar to the ‘spirit’ which exists inside our body. In this book we use the word ‘mind’ to mean this nuomenon.
กตัญญูเป็นโอสถประเสริฐ เป็นคุณแก่ตนเองทั้งร่างกาย จิตใจ
Our Only Real Belongings
There are only two things that really belong to us.One is our mind and the other is the point inside us which is home to the mind.
World Peace Begins with Inner Peace
Happiness is what all human beings seek. A philosopher can consider history up to the present and define happiness according to many concepts and theories.
วัดพระธรรมกายลอนดอน จัดพิธีบูชาข้าวพระ
วัดพระธรรมกายลอนดอน ประเทศอังกฤษ ได้จัดพิธีบูชาข้าวพระ และพิธีทอดผ้าป่าบำรุงวัดออนไลน์ ทาง Facebook live และระบบ Zoom
Military and police whose duty it is to protect the sovereignty of the nation and quell the unrest sometimes inevitably have to wound and kill the thieves. This kind of killing is more or less sinful than general killing?
the military men and women and the police, whose duty it is to protect the sovereignty of the nation and quell the unrest sometimes inevitably have to wound and kill the thieves. But killing and hurting people are necessary. I would like to ask Luang Por whether this kind of killing is more or less sinful than general killing?
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